Author: Sara Guyre

Featured Product: Digital Business Cards


Featured Product: Digital Business Cards

There is nothing more memorable than leaving your customer, client, or prospect with a business card that emanates your brand. Your brand defines who you are as a company and what your company values.

The tactile quality of a business card will always help create the lasting impression that you hope to leave. As a company that values the beauty of tactile print, we also recognize the advantages of digital. We have always tried to stay at the forefront of merging technology with our customers’ experience, which is why we started to develop our online portals for our customers in 1999.

Today, we are bringing a new product to our customers that will merge the beauty of print with the practicality of digital. We are now offering our customers the ability to integrate digital into print with custom buildable QR codes and NFC chips, developed seamlessly into your brand.

Digital Business Cards

Read more about QR codes and NFC chips

The objective of leaving a business card behind is to leave all of your important contact information with the person you met. Often, because of the medium, valuable data doesn’t make it to a place where it can be functionally stored. They stay in wallets, card decks, and other places where the intent is to keep it where you need it, but it might not always be there when you actually do.

This is why QR codes and NFC chips are so beneficial in branding. When you integrate our custom QR codes and/or NFC chips into your branded products, the codes will directly link all the information you wish to allocate directly to the address book or digital deliverable of your prospect.

This includes multiple phone numbers, your title, your company, your email, address, and even your website. All delivered directly to your prospect’s phone address book to be stored indefinitely. It will deliver all of this functionality with the classic sophistication of print, the most professional way to deliver your brand’s messaging.

Making all of your information available when your prospect needs it, which in the moment, is priceless.

Connect Your Brand

Each digitally connected print product can be seamlessly integrated with the technology and data that our portals already utilize to build your company’s brand. They can be simply integrated into the system your company is already familiar with.

If you would like to discuss the benefits and technology behind our on-demand, custom-built digital cards and other digitally connected branded products, we would love to have that conversation.

Try Our Digital Card Demo

Contact us today to schedule a consultation on how we can connect your brand.


Contact us to see how we can bring your project to the next level.

Micro Screening in Offset Printing – Because Details Matter

Micro Screening – Because Details Matter

In the world of print, achieving exceptional image quality is crucial. Whether crafting captivating photographs, intricate graphics, or vibrant materials, the ability to capture fine details and reproduce colors accurately is essential. Enter micro screening, a powerful technique revolutionizing print quality.

Micro screening breaks down images into minuscule dots or pixels, precisely arranged to create smooth gradients, fine details, and accurate colors. This meticulous process ensures sharp, vibrant, true-to-life prints.

Unlike traditional screening methods, which rely on larger dots and coarser patterns, micro screening utilizes much smaller dots and finer patterns, allowing for greater detail and resolution. By leveraging advanced algorithms and software, micro screening optimizes dot placement, smoothing transitions between colors and minimizing unwanted artifacts like moiré patterns.

The Benefits of Micro Screening:

Superior Image Quality

Micro screening enables the reproduction of images with exceptional clarity, sharpness, and detail, elevating the overall quality of printed materials.

Enhanced Color Accuracy

With micro screening, colors are reproduced with remarkable accuracy, ensuring that prints faithfully capture the nuances and subtleties of the original artwork or design.

Reduced Moiré Patterns

Micro screening helps minimize the occurrence of moiré patterns, those unwanted interference patterns that can detract from the quality of printed images, resulting in cleaner and more professional-looking prints.

Increased Print Resolution

By utilizing smaller dots and finer patterns, micro screening allows for higher print resolutions, making it possible to reproduce fine text, intricate graphics, and high-quality photographs with unparalleled clarity and precision.

Versatility and Flexibility

Micro screening is compatible with a wide range of printing substrates and ink types, offering printers greater flexibility in meeting diverse printing requirements and delivering exceptional results across various applications.

Types of Screens

Click each image to for more detail. 

Stochastic Micro Screen:

Stochastic screening, also known as FM (frequency modulation) screening, utilizes random dot patterns of varying sizes instead of traditional halftone dots. These dots are dispersed evenly across the image, creating a more natural and continuous gradient.

  • Advantages:
    • Improved image quality: Stochastic screens produce smoother gradients and finer details compared to traditional halftone screens, resulting in higher-quality prints.
    • Minimized moiré patterns: By eliminating regular dot patterns, stochastic screens reduce the occurrence of moiré patterns, especially in high-frequency areas.
    • Increased color fidelity: Stochastic screening allows for better color control and accuracy, leading to more vibrant and lifelike prints.

Hybrid Standard Micro Screen:

Hybrid screening combines traditional halftone dots with stochastic dots in specific areas of the image. This approach combines the benefits of both screening methods to optimize print quality.

  • Advantages:
    • Enhanced detail rendition: Hybrid screening preserves fine details while minimizing the risk of moiré patterns, striking a balance between image quality and consistency.
    • Versatility: Hybrid screening allows printers to adapt dot patterns based on the requirements of different images, providing flexibility in achieving optimal results across various print jobs.
    • Improved efficiency: By selectively applying stochastic dots where needed, hybrid screening can optimize ink usage and reduce printing time without sacrificing quality.

Standard Micro Screen:

Standard screening, also known as conventional halftone screening, employs regular dot patterns of fixed size and spacing. These dots vary in size to reproduce different tones and shades in the printed image.

  • Advantages:
    • Cost-effectiveness: Standard screening is a cost-efficient option for most print jobs, as it requires less processing time and resources compared to stochastic or hybrid screening methods.
    • Wide compatibility: Standard screens are widely supported by printing equipment and software, making them accessible and easy to implement for printers of all sizes.
    • Predictable results: With well-established parameters and workflows, standard screening delivers consistent and predictable print results, making it a reliable choice for many commercial printing applications.

Leveraging our Heidelberg SX74 offset printing press, which combines micro screening precision with advanced capabilities, we deliver superior print quality. Whether utilizing stochastic screening for smoother gradients or traditional halftone screening for reliable results, our printing solutions are crafted to meet the highest standards of quality and precision.


Trust us to bring your vision to life with stunning clarity and precision, exceeding expectations in every project.

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All That Glitters: Invitations that Sparkle

categories: Events, Printing, Projects

All That Glitters

Sometimes it’s not gold. Sometimes it’s a really, really, gorgeous paper stock… And a few tricks of the trade.

With that being said, we’d like to introduce you to one of our favorite paper manufacturers, Legion Paper.

About Legion Paper

Legion delivers a tactile quality to their paper, inspired by artists, that’s intended to help them imagine the unimaginable… and then to create it.

“We want to enhance the art works of creative people, whether it’s a photographer, painter, designer or printmaker. We are proud to have designed papers that have enabled artists to create what they were limited in creating before.” – Ginsburg

Legion traveled the globe to study paper. Studying cultures, papers and techniques that have proven their value through time. They traveled to all of these mills, not to bring back what already existed but to make what was needed. What was needed to deliver the quality techniques of the past to the artists of today.

The Coach Gala Invitation

All of this, and more, is the reason Legion had the perfect stock for producing this gorgeous invitation and envelope for The Coach Gala.

A Look at The Invitation

When you see a full stack of these invitations together, the glitter is seamless. Moving from the edges of the paper to the face of the invitation as if the invitation was made out of a block of glitter itself.

But that’s not necessarily the case. The seamless beauty is by design and by the magic of production.

So let’s dive into how we made this happen.

Stock: For the paper, we used Legions Mirri Sparkle. Mirri Sparkle uses an extremely smooth and amazingly sparkly metallic film that is laminated to a white box board base. The thickness of the stock holds a tactile definition of quality in itself. When you hold it, you’ll know.

This paper was perfect for the over-the-top sparkle that was needed for the Coach Gala invitation.


Gilding: Believe it or not, this invitation is not made out of a solid block of glitter. The face of Mirri Sparkle paper stock is gorgeous, but it’s laminated onto a white board stock, so when it’s cut there’s a white edge by default.

This is where our gilding techniques really sparkled. We first spray painted the edges with a silver base to mask the white the edges, and then we dipped the edges in glitter. To create an absolutely seamless wrap of edge to edge sparkle.

Print process: At our shop, it’s rare that the printing process is the simplest part of the design, because of all of the capabilities we have available. But this piece needed nothing more than a one color black offset run to perfect this job. The paper stock and gilding did most of the heavy lifting to make this job a real stunner.

Coach Gala Envelope

Simplicity at its finest.

The overtop sparkle of the invitation was complemented by the beautiful blind embossing of the logo on the Miri H Gunmetal Metallic custom built envelope. 

Stock:  For this stunning envelope we looked to Legion yet again. The envelope was produced in the gunmetal color from their Miri H line. The line is defined by its bright metalized mirror-like finish and laminated to a white stock base. 

You can see gunmetal featured between the gold and copper metallic colors in this swatch book.

Process: The only process on this envelope is the blind embossing on the face. This kind of paper is absolutely perfect for blind embossing. The metallic nature of the paper causes the light and reflections to define every curve, every indent and every highlight to make this logo look as amazing as possible. Giving the logo the effect of being jewelry in itself.  

Process: Blind Embossing

Construction: Envelopes like these aren’t typically for sale in bulk, neither is the ability to emboss a logo on the face of a pre-made envelope. We made these envelopes ourselves from scratch. 

The paper gets passed through once flat for the blind embossing and then a second time for die cut and scoring. Once the envelope was embossed, cut and scored we put our gloves on and put these together by hand. To then prepare these for hand delivery. 

Accompanying Items

Insert: This invitation was sent with a vellum insert to accompany the invitation with a list of the chairs, benefactors, patrons and supporters of the event.  The velum insert provided a soft overlay to the sparkle texture already defined by Mirri.

Vellum overlaid over invitation and envelope.

Reply Card and Envelope: Along with the invitation and insert, was a simple black offset reply card and envelope in the Mohawk Superfine Ultrawhite line.  The white stock with black ink paired well and was perfect for the practical application of the reply card intent. 


If a hand delivered and hand constructed envelope are not in your projects plan, there are so many alternative options to make some of these techniques practical for your next project. 

For instance, while blind embossing on the face of an envelope is only available for hand constructed envelopes, we can blind emboss on almost any back envelope flap of premade envelope. 

Need custom addressing too? A lot of times we see clients build invitations like this and send them in an outer envelope. This outer envelope is perfect for custom data merge addressing. The outer envelope would also protect your product from some of the inherent wear and tear that happens within the mail process. 


Let us know! If you love this piece and want to incorporate some of these techniques into your next project, give us a call or contact us and we can talk about how we can make your next project really sparkle.